This donut sale November 9th and 10th is to raise funds for our councils donation to the KofC KY Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and Special Olympics. (This donut sale replaces the former Tootsie Roll Sale.) The council is going to use this donut run proceeds raise funds to support the State Councils program and Special Olympics attendees. Our council members will need to provide workers for all of the positions to make and sell the donuts.We will need donut mix mixers, cooks, sugar dusters, baggers, sellers and clean up crew for this event. Family members and kids 12yrs or older can also sign up.
Use the following link to volunteer: Lil'Timmy Volunteers
Contact Deacon Dick Wendeln at [email protected] for questions.
Use the following link to volunteer: Lil'Timmy Volunteers
- Special Note: Besides setup and pre-heat cooker setup, we will be making a batch of donuts to give away at Trunk or Treat that evening. We will need 2 additional people to sugar and bag this batch. Setup crew should arrive Friday by 3pm at school kitchen to setup, pre-heat the cooker and make a batch of donuts to pass out at this years Trunk or Treat event that night.
- To mix and cook, please note the new start times on the signup
- Sellers please be in the gathering space immediately after communion.
- Clean up crew only required on Sunday morning. Please plan to arrive between 10 and 10:30am. We are expected to finish cleanup by noon if not sooner.
Contact Deacon Dick Wendeln at [email protected] for questions.
Donut Run volunteers needed, Feb 18 & 19
KofC council Donut run volunteers needed, Oct 8 & 9
Lil'timmy donut sales need volunteers for April 27/28

This donut sale will be held February 18th and 19th with proceeds going to the Boy Scouts. Our council members will need to provide workers for donut machine setup and cleanup, donut mix mixers, donut cooks and a money manager for each mass. The scouts will provide volunteers to supervise their volunteers with dusters and packers of the donuts and to sell the donuts after each mass. Family members and kids 12yrs or older can also sign up for the Knights positions.
Use the following link to volunteer: Lil'Timmy Volunteers
Contact Deacon Dick Wendeln at [email protected] for questions.
Use the following link to volunteer: Lil'Timmy Volunteers
- Mixers and fryers arrive at the following times to start:
- Saturday: 2pm at School kitchen.
- Sunday: 7am at School kitchen.
- Donut money managers arrive at the following times to start:
- Saturday: 5pm in Church Gathering Space.
- Sunday: 8:30am or 10am or 12pm Church Gathering Space.
- Setup crew needed Friday at 3pm in the school cafeteria to setup and preheat the cooker.
- Clean up crew only required on Sunday morning. Please plan to arrive by 10am. We are expected to finish cleanup by 11:30am if not sooner.
Contact Deacon Dick Wendeln at [email protected] for questions.

This donut sale will be held April 22nd & 23rd with proceeds going to the American Heritage Girls. Our council members will need to provide workers for donut machine setup and cleanup, donut mix mixers, donut cooks and a money manager for each mass. The AHG's will provide volunteers to supervise their volunteers with dusters and packers of the donuts and to sell the donuts after each mass. Family members and kids 12yrs or older can also sign up for the Knights positions.
Use the following link to volunteer: Lil'Timmy Volunteers
Contact Deacon Dick Wendeln at [email protected] for questions.
Use the following link to volunteer: Lil'Timmy Volunteers
- Mixers and fryers arrive at the following times to start: (Please not early start on Sat.)
- Saturday: 7am at School kitchen.
- Sunday: 7am at School kitchen.
- Donut money managers arrive at the following times to start:
- Saturday: 5pm in Church Gathering Space.
- Sunday: 8:30am or 10am or 12pm Church Gathering Space.
- Setup crew needed Friday at 3pm in the school cafeteria to setup and preheat the cooker.
- Clean up crew only required on Sunday morning. Please plan to arrive by 10am. We are expected to finish cleanup by 11:30am if not sooner.
Contact Deacon Dick Wendeln at [email protected] for questions.

This donut sale October 14th and 15th is for our council as a fundraiser for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. (Formally known as our annual Tootsie Roll Drive.) The council is going to use this donut run proceeds raise to support the State Councils program and Special Olympics attendees. Our council members will need to provide workers for all of the positions to make and sell the donuts.We will need donut mix mixers, cooks, sugar dusters, baggers, sellers and clean up crew for this event. Family members and kids 12yrs or older can also sign up.
Use the following link to volunteer: Lil'Timmy Volunteers
Contact Deacon Dick Wendeln at [email protected] for questions.
Use the following link to volunteer: Lil'Timmy Volunteers
- Mixers and fryers arrive at the following times to start:
- Saturday: 3pm at School kitchen.
- Sunday: 7am at School kitchen.
- Dusters and bagger arrive at the following times to start:
- Saturday: 3:30pm at School kitchen.
- Sunday: 7:30am at School kitchen.
- Donut Sellers arrive at the following times to start:
- Saturday: 5pm in Church Gathering Space.
- Sunday: 8:30am or 10am or 12pm Church Gathering Space.
- Clean up crew only required on Sunday morning. Please plan to arrive by 10am. We are expected to finish cleanup by 11:30am if not sooner.
Contact Deacon Dick Wendeln at [email protected] for questions.

We are now into our selling year for Lil"Timmy donuts with the next event coming on April 27th and 28th after each Mass, then on June 15th and 16th after each Mass. We could really use more volunteers to help keep this program going! This fundraiser is now critical to the funding of our councils annual budget of supported events and charities. The work is easy and light and these sales are also critical to helping us pay back the machine loans. Please consider signing up for one shift to help out where you can. Please use the links below to signup online for both sets of dates:
Signup for April 27/28: Apr Lil'Timmy Volunteers
Signup for June 22/23: June Lil'Timmy Volunteers
Signup for April 27/28: Apr Lil'Timmy Volunteers
Signup for June 22/23: June Lil'Timmy Volunteers