Coats for Kids Program
Every Year the St. Timothy Knights of Columbus Council has hosted a collection of funds to purchase brand new coats for children of all ages. This program is through the KofC international organization by which the KofC world-wide is able to purchase brand new coats for children by the case full under extreme discounts extended by the manufactures exclusively to the KofC. Our council uses 100% of all the proceeds collect to put toward the purchase of as many cases of children coats as possible, then once received here at the church, the coats are distributed to local clothing/coat distribution organizations like our own St. Vincent de Paul program. Please use the link below to make a donation using our PayPal account.
Please consider donating generously. This collection benefits children right here in our neighborhoods and in Northern Kentucky. We hold this collection every year because as many of you know, children ware out and our grow the coats constantly, and no child should go through a winter cold without something as simple as a coat to stay warm!
Thank you in advance for your show of love and consideration for the children in Boone County and Northern Kentucky. Please scan the QR code with your phone or click the donate button below to make a donation directly to our PayPal account.
Please consider donating generously. This collection benefits children right here in our neighborhoods and in Northern Kentucky. We hold this collection every year because as many of you know, children ware out and our grow the coats constantly, and no child should go through a winter cold without something as simple as a coat to stay warm!
Thank you in advance for your show of love and consideration for the children in Boone County and Northern Kentucky. Please scan the QR code with your phone or click the donate button below to make a donation directly to our PayPal account.
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